BSF HCM Admit card 2025 link, Exam Date, Physical Admit Card Download Link

BSF HCM Admit card 2025 link, Exam Date, Physical Admit Card Download Link Great news for all candidates who applied for the Border Security Force (BSF) Head Constable Ministerial (HCM) and Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) Stenographer recruitment 2024-25! The physical admit cards for both posts are expected to be released soon, and the physical exams are likely to take place in January 2025. This is an important milestone in the recruitment process, and candidates must stay prepared for the upcoming physical tests, which will play a crucial role in their selection

bsf admit card 2025

BSF Head Constable Ministerial (HCM) & ASI (Steno) Physical Admit Card Release Expected Soon – January 2025

The Physical Admit Card for the BSF HCM and ASI (Steno) physical tests is expected to be released soon in January 2025. As candidates await this important document, it’s essential to stay updated with official notifications. You can keep a check on the BSF’s official website:
BSF Official Website Additionally, you can stay informed about all the updates related to BSF recruitment through trusted websites like Paramilitary Jobs

Recruitment AgencyBorder Security Force (BSF)
Exam NameHead Constable (Ministerial)
Exam DateTo be announced soon
Admit Cards Availability:7-days before the exam date

BSF HCM & ASI (Steno) Recruitment 2024 – A Quick Overview

The BSF had opened applications for the Head Constable Ministerial (HCM) and Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) Stenographer positions from June 9, 2024, to July 8, 2024. A total of 1526 vacancies were announced, including:

  • 1283 vacancies for Head Constable Ministerial
  • 243 vacancies for ASI Stenographer

Candidates who successfully applied for these posts are now gearing up for the next phase of the recruitment process.

Pay Scale for BSF HCM & ASI (Steno)

Both the Head Constable Ministerial and Assistant Sub-Inspector Stenographer positions come with attractive pay scales:

  • ASI (Steno):
    • Pay Level 05, Pay Matrix ₹29,200 – ₹92,300
  • Head Constable Ministerial (HCM):
    • Pay Level 04, Pay Matrix ₹25,500 – ₹81,100

These pay levels make both positions financially rewarding, in addition to the prestige of serving in one of India’s premier paramilitary forces.

Age Limit for BSF HCM & ASI (Steno)

Candidates must be between the ages of 18 to 25 years as of the last date of the application process to be eligible for the BSF HCM and ASI (Steno) posts.

BSF HCM & ASI (Steno) Examination Process – 3 Phases

The recruitment process for both posts is carried out in three phases:

  1. Phase 1: Physical Standard Test (PST) & Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
    • PST for Male Candidates: 1.6 km run in 6 minutes 30 seconds
    • PST for Female Candidates: 800 meters run in 4 minutes 45 seconds
  2. Phase 2: Computer Based Test (CBT)
    Candidates who qualify the PST and PET will move on to the Computer Based Test, which is an essential step in the selection process.

Phase 3: Skill Test, Document Verification (DV), or Detailed Medical Examination (DME)/Revised Medical Examination (RME)
The final phase includes a skill test for ASI (Steno) candidates, followed by DV or medical examinations

Important Preparation Tips for BSF HCM PST & PET

With the physical tests around the corner, here are a few preparation tips for candidates:

  1. Endurance and Stamina: Both the PST and PET require candidates to demonstrate stamina and physical endurance. Male candidates need to run 1.6 km in 6 minutes and 30 seconds, while female candidates need to run 800 meters in 4 minutes and 45 seconds. Regular running and cardio exercises will help you build endurance.
  2. Strength Training: In addition to running, focus on strength training exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, and squats to build overall physical strength.
  3. Proper Diet and Hydration: Maintaining a healthy diet and staying hydrated is crucial to performing well in the physical tests.

Practice Regularly: To ensure you meet the physical requirements, make sure to practice consistently in the weeks leading up to the exam

  BSF HCM Admit Card 2025 Download process

Below, find the guidelines for acquiring the CAPF HCM Call Letter 2024.

  1. Navigate to the official website by entering this URL in the address bar
  2. Search for a link titled ‘Recruitment of CAPF HCM 2024’ and proceed to the subsequent page.
  3. Then, locate the link that says ‘Admit Card for the Computer Based Test’ and click on it to open the login box.
  4. Finally, enter your Registration Number and Date Of Birth in the respective fields, and click on the Submit button to complete the process.


BSF HCM Syllabus 2024 – ENGLISH Language

Error spotting
Fill in the blanks
Idioms & Phrases
One word substitution
Improvement of sentences
Active/Passive voice of verbs
Conversion into direct/indirect narration
Shuffling of Sentence parts
Shuffling of sentences in a passage
Cloze Passage
Comprehension Passage and Miscellaneous

BSF HCM Syllabus 2024 – Hindi language

1.हिंदी भाषा का ज्ञान
2.हिंदी व्याकरण का बुनियादी ज्ञान
3.पर्यायवाची विपरीतार्थक
4.रिक्त स्थान भरें
6.तत्सम तत्भव
7.वाकयो को शुद करना
9.विराम चिन्ह
10.वाक्यों के लिए एक शब्द
18.मुहावरे एवं वाक्यांश
21.प्रसिद्ध कवि और उनकी कविताएँ
22.हिंदी भाषा में पुरस्कार

BSF HCM SYLLABUS 2024 –  General Intelligence;-

Semantic Analogy
Symbolic operations
Symbolic/Number Analogy
Figural Analogy
Space Orientation
Semantic Classification
Venn Diagrams
Symbolic/Number Classification
Drawing inferences
Figural Classification
Punched hole/pattern-folding & unfolding
Semantic Series
Figural Pattern-folding and completion
Number Series
Embedded figures
Figural Series
Critical Thinking
Problem Solving
Emotional Intelligence
Word Building
Social Intelligence
Coding and de-coding
Other sub-topics
Numerical operations and miscellaneous intelligence tests

 BSF HCM SYLLABUS 2024 – Numerical Aptitude;-

Number Systems
Fundamental arithmetical operations
Statistical Charts and Miscellaneous

BSF HCM SYLLABUS 2024 – Clerical Aptitude

Alphabetic filing
Attention to detail
Data checking
Comparison ability
Spelling checking
Errors spotting and other miscellaneous issues related to the aptitude of the clerk

BSF HCM syllabus 2024 – Computer Knowledge;-

Basic computer fundamentals.
History and future of computers.
 Operating system and basic of Windows.
 Computer abbreviation.
 Microsoft Office (MS Word and Excel).
 Short Keys.
 Computer communication
Internet and Miscellaneous.

BSF Head Constable Ministerial and ASI(steno) Skill test;-

Post NameSkill Test Requirements
ASI (Stenographer)
Time Allowed: 10 minutes
Shorthand @ 80 words per minute in English OR in Hindi in 10 minutes. Transcription of dictation in English in 50 minutes OR in Hindi in 65 minutes on computer.
HC(Min) (Typing Test)
Time Allowed: 10 minutes

35 words per minute in English or 30 words per minute in Hindi on computer. (35 w.p.m in English and 30 w.p.m in Hindi correspond to 10500 KDPH in English and 9000 KDPH in Hindi, respectively, with an average of 5 key depressions for each word on the computer) ]


TIME – 01 hour and  40 minutes

    Total question – 100


subjectquestionMaximum Marks
Hindi/English Language2020 marks
General Intelligence2020 marks
Numerical Aptitude2020 marks
Clerical Aptitude2020 marks
Basic Computer Knowledge2020 marks

The release of the BSF HCM and ASI (Steno) physical admit cards is just around the corner, and the physical exams are expected to take place in January 2025. This is the perfect time for candidates to intensify their preparation and ensure they meet the physical requirements for the next stage of the recruitment process. Keep checking the official BSF website for updates on the admit card release, and stay focused on your physical training.

 Note ;- अगर वेकैंसी में कोई चेंज किया जाता है तो आप बीएसएफ की ऑफिशल वेबसाइटपर आपको जानकारी  मिलेंगी |


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